Dr. Roth describes a research study based on an inclusive methodology that sought to explore concepts of independence and dependence among adults with complex learning difficulties and examine whether they are connected to 3 areas: relationships, initiative and views on self value and quality of life.
Chairman: Prof Patrick Corrigan
Prof Jeremy Turk: Labelling and Classifications in Developmental Disabilities: Curse or Blessing
Prof Lisa Woolfson: The influence of societal stereotypes on attitudes and behaviour of parents and teachers towards children with intellectual disabilities
Dr Katrina Scior: Do they do what they say? Questioning the link between self-reported attitudes towards people with intellectual disabilities and actual behaviour
Dr Shirli Werner: “Equal in Uniform”: Its impact on attitudes of soldiers without disabilities towards soldiers with intellectual disabilities
Luigi Croce describes a study focusing on the profile of children with intellectual disabilities conducted in Milan. A more profound understanding of the quality of life profile of people with disabilities who use services, may yield a better definition of users thus improving the services provided.