Knowledge Database

Connie Laurin-Bowie: Inclusive Communities Are Stronger Communities: How Offering Choice, Support and Inclusion to People with Intellectual Disabilities Builds Stronger Communities for All


Purpose: This presentation will demonstrate how implementing Article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) can contribute to social cohesion and buildig stronger communities for all. The presenation will outline implications for individuals who have an intellectual disability, their families, service providers and government.
Rationale: Israel is now grappling with the implementation of the CRPD. One huge challenge is how to move away from large congregate settings to support people in ways that maximize their autonomy and inclusion in all aspects of community life. The presentaion will draw from research conducted around the world by Inclusion International, the global federation of organizations of persons with intellectual disabilites and their families.
Summary: The presentation will analyse Article 19 of the CRPD and demonstrate how ensuring choice, support and inclusion are prerequisites to implementation, and how compliance with the Convention can contribute to stronger communities for all.




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  • Disabilities:

    All disabilities

  • Topics:

    Changing Attitudes
    Self-Advocacy & Leadership

  • Keywords:


  • Audience:

    General public, Professionals

  • For additional information:


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