Knowledge Database

Lindy Zaretsky: Transforming Organizational Practice through Person: Directed Planning and Care Ethics


Purpose: A case study of an organization is presented that designed and implemented a person-directed planning approach (PDP) based on a theory of care that supported the creation of more personalized pathways for learning (social/leisure; employment; post secondary destinations, etc.). Staff and individuals with disabilities corrected power imbalances in their relationships by collaborating on these designs for learning. This model grounded in critical/feminist disability theory, a rights-based approach to disability, and PDP can be adapted in other organizations. Rationale: Inclusive language and practices for individuals with disabilities are reflected in legislation and policies across sectors in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. However, moving from policy to practice remains a significant challenge. Looking through a critical/feminist disability lens, and a rights-based approach to disability, this paper and discussion demonstrates how PDP based on a theory of care can be used to transform organizational practices so that individuals with disabilities learn how to become the architects of their own life plans to the greatest extent possible. Summary: The vision of inclusion within the most recent rights-based legislation and provincial/local policy still do not equate to purposeful inclusion in community life for all citizens. There continue to be significant challenges where human rights are concerned, especially in our institutions that must actively seek to accommodate difference and balance rights. Models that are being designed and implemented to address these tensions need to be widely shared in order to further our collective vision of equity and inclusion for all citizens.




  • Disabilities:

    All disabilities

  • Topics:

    Policy & Legislation

  • Keywords:


  • Audience:

    General public, Professionals

  • For additional information:


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