270 - School Wide Integrated Framework for Transformation (SWIFT)
Policy Alignment, Tash, USA
Ms. Gabrielle Williams
United States
www.tash.org+1 202 540 9014
The mission of the SWIFT Policy Alignment project is to leverage policy analysis alignment to support the sustainability
and scale-up efforts of US State Education Agencies (SEAs) to implement school wide inclusive practices that improve
the academic and behavioural outcomes of ALL children, including students living in poverty, English language learners,
and students with disabilities, especially those with significant disabilities and support needs. The SWIFT approach to
policy alignment provides a constructive path to change by supporting the implementation of evidence-based and
research-based practices through policy. The resulting policy framework provides a scaffold for educational practices
that improves sustainability beyond a time-limited initiative. The current focus of this project is in kindergarten through
eighth grade, including Early Childhood Education.
The project provides a comprehensive package of Policy Analysis and Alignment tools to support lasting education
reform for inclusive practices that maximize student outcomes for all students.
The SWIFT policy team developed a protocol that calls for a review of publicly available policy documents including state
statutes, regulations, and guidance describing: funding; professional development; student discipline;
eligibility/placement for special education services; assessment/accountability and stakeholder (family and community)
engagement. From this review, preliminary facilitators and barriers to inclusive education are identified and
recommendations are established.
Stakeholder interviews are conducted with partners from the SEA as well as partners external to the SEA—teachers,
school district administrators—and vested members of the community—parents and family members, advocates.
Project staff work collaboratively with stakeholders to validate, strengthen, and finalize preliminary findings of the
The Analysis is utilized as the basis for the Policy Alignment Tool and accompanying facilitator guide. The Alignment tool
guides decision-making teams at the school, district, and state level through a process of examining specific policies and