236 - Initiative of University Students with Disabilities, Association of
Visually Impaired in Education, Turkey
Association of Visually Impaired in Education
Mr. Emre Tasgin
www.egitimdegormeengelliler.org/english+90 535 736 9037
The projects goal is to ensure that students with disabilities enjoy the same opportunities in universities as their non-
disabled peers. It also aims to empower university students with disabilities through trainings and workshops on their
rights and demand mechanisms.
In the Turkey of today university students with disabilities are confronted with problems like the accessibility of
facilities, of learning materials and so on. Another problem is that there is no data available about the accessibility
conditions at universities. It is also added that many students with disabilities are unaware of their rights and do not
know how to raise their demands at universities or within the society. They also can mostly not enjoy their educational
rights on the same level as their non-disabled peers due to accessibility problems and a lack of information at
universities. Although the law requires that "Disabled Student Units" shall be formed in every university, these units do
not function sufficiently and in many cases the person in charge of the unit does not have enough knowledge about
disabilities or students simply do not have the information about the units and its services at hand. Therefore, the
project reaches out to universities to inform, strengthen and organize students with disabilities so that they can face the
challenges that university life brings with it. For this purpose, trainings are held where students are informed about their
rights and how to make demands within their university. After these trainings, the students organize working groups on
specific problem areas, where discussion about various issues is made possible. They also make inquiries to public
institutions and universities to receive information about the current situation regarding accessibility and services and
university evaluation surveys are carried out to understand and present current problems at universities. The within the
project created website, called "University without Barriers", provides them with constant information and connects
them with other university students.