091 - Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities, Save the
Children International, Kosovo
Save the Children International
Mr. Ahmet Kryeziu
kosovo.savethechilren.net+377 44 599 599
The goal: To guarantee to children with disabilities the access to a quality preschool and primary education in 8
municipalities of the 7 Kosovo regions. The project general objective is to contribute to the inclusion of the most
vulnerable groups in the economic and social life in Kosovo, starting from school. In a country where the 50% of the
population is under 25, the implementation of a quality, inclusive education since the preschool age for all citizens,
independently from their ethnicity, social group or disability, represents a priority for the Government action. This is
considered a key element for the development and the democratization of the country.
Working jointly with the Ministry of Education and Municipal Education Departments at local level, the project reached
out to include children with disabilities in 8 pre-school institutions and 9 pre-primary classes in schools in 7 Kosovo
regions + South Mitrovica). They supported 8 Handikos (partner NGO) community-based rehabilitation centers to
stimulate and advance the physical and psychosocial abilities of children with disabilities, and supported pre-school
institutions and primary capacities (trainings, removing architectural barriers, provision of didactic materials, hiring
teachers, enhancing intersectional services at local level) to implement inclusive education practices for children with
disabilities. Furthermore, the project established the cooperation between the school, family/community, rehabilitation
center and institution (health, social welfare and education.
We have enabled access to pre-school education which represents for children the first opportunity to socialize and to
be part of the community. To work on the acceptance of the “diversity” since the pre-school level, when children do not
have prejudices yet, can have a beneficial effect on the entire community, which is directly involved in the educational
process through the participation of the families and the municipal structures.