In-depth Research of Innovative Practices
Zero Project Analysis
presented by:
Essl Foundation
Edition #1, April 2016
Informing families sensitively
about their child’s disability
National Federation of Voluntary Bodies
The activities of the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies
Providing Services to People with Intellectual Disability (National Federation) focus on ensur-
ing that member organizations are supported to provide high-quality, person-centred services
and support to people with an intellectual disability. The National Federation has developed
the Informing Families Project, the goal of which is to ensure that the communication process
of informing families that their child has a disability is undertaken appropriately, sensitively,
and using a family-centred model.
• Information for families who have recently received their child’s diagnosis with a disability
is available in seven languages on the website:• This includes information on how parents might feel about the diagnosis, how to tell
other people about the diagnosis, how to search for reliable information on the Internet,
descriptions of what early interventions are available, and who the relevant profession-
als are that families may wish to consult.
Trusting relationships between families and
professionals are built right from the beginning
Education sessions for doctors and nurses create
understanding for families needs
Edition #1 | published April 2016