In-depth Research of Innovative Practices
Zero Project Analysis
presented by:
Essl Foundation
Edition #1, April 2016
How parents learn to raise
their children at home
Croatia, City of Zagreb
Mali Dom (Little Home)
Mali Dom (Little Home) operates in the Croatian capital of Za-
greb and offers its services throughout the country. This public institution has developed an
early intervention programme for children aged 0–3 with disabilities or a high risk of develop-
ing disabilities, which is family centred and mostly practised in the child´s home. Based on an
initial assessment, the method is ongoing and individualized for each family. Short- and long-
term goals are set by analysing results from the initial assessment and by consulting parents
about what they think is important for the child to learn.
• Early intervention services are provided to some 60 children and their families each
year in the Zagreb area and to an additional 150 children nationally through transdisci-
plinary assessment and counselling.
• Overall, the organization offers regular services to 150 persons per year and to an addi-
tional 350 persons nationally through assessments and counselling.
during the last three years
parents have participated
in the programme
children have participated in trans
disciplinary assessment and counselling
children have attended regular early
intervention programmes
The key is to empower families
Edition #1 | published April 2016