Mali Dom
Mali Dom (Little Home), founded in in 1997, is a
public institution of the City of Zagreb that provides
regular daily services to more than 100 children and
youth who are visually impaired, have other addition-
al disabilities, or are deaf and blind. It operates its
services in new and spacious premises, which offer
the possibility of further expansion of the organiza-
tion’s programmes. Through further development,
Mali Dom aims to become a role model in the field of
care for children with multiple disabilities.
In addition to its activities directly on behalf of chil-
dren, the organization offers assistance to families to
help them understand each child’s positive qualities,
thus building stronger family ties and greatly improv-
ing each child’s opportunities in life.
To date, more than 1,000 children from across the
Croatia have benefitted from this programme.
Mali Dom
Ms. Darija Udovicic
Tel. + 385 1 3746 500
darija@malidom.hr www.malidom.hrEXAMPLE OF AN INDIVIDUAL EDUCATION PLAN:
Long-term goals as agreed with
the parent/guardian
• Extending the tactile experience
• Capturing small objects
• Repeating double syllables with meaning
• Games of handing specific item
• Using isolated finger movements
• Pointing details on the object / image with
a finger
• Imitation of movement / gesture
• Turning the pages of a book
• Standing independently
• Walking while holding onto the trolley
In-depth Research of Innovative Practices
EASPD Secretary General: Luk Zelderloo
Essl Foundation Programme Manager: Michael Fembek
Author: Wilfried Kainz
Project coordinator: Sabrina Ferraina
Graphic Design: Christoph Almasy
Graphic Facilitation: Petra Plicka
Editing: John Tessitore
This in-depth analysis can be downloaded for free at
www.easpd.euFor information or copies, contact:
Essl Foundation, Aufeldgasse 17-23, 3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria
© Essl Foundation and EASPD, April 2016. All rights reserved.