Bring Friendship Park to Your Community
Beit Issie Shapiro has been guiding some 30 municipalities throughout Israel on both the physical and
social accessibility aspects of the playground. Internationally, we are consulting a number of
organizations interested in setting up inclusive playgrounds within their community, as well as
presenting our model at the United Nations and international conferences. Our model recently won
the International Play Association’s
Right to Play 2014 Award.
For more information, please contact
Ms. Sharon Yeheskel-Oron,
International Professional Development
sharony@beitissie.org.ilOr visit our website:
www.beitissie.org.il/engWith the guidance of Beit Issie Shapiro, you can make a change in your
Beit Issie Shapiro can provide its best practices through consultation and
training for:
Adapting an existing playground to become accessible and inclusive for
children with disabilities, including social and educational programming.
Creating a new accessible and inclusive playground based on our model,
including social and educational programming.