Knowledge Database


Early Intervention

  • Lili Levinton, Deputy Director of Professional Services, Beit Issie Shapiro, Israel
    A transdisciplinary team is defined as a team in which roles are shared beyond the boundaries of the professional field, so that there is maximum communication, reciprocal relations, and cooperation among the team members. It is a team in which work crosses the borders of the different professions. The article describes what a transdisciplinary team involves.

  • Raz Tannenbaum – Speech Therapist and Coordinator of a Speech Therapy unit, Aaron De Lowe Early Intervention Center, Beit Issie Shapiro
    Tal Eisenberg – Occupational Therapist and Coordinator of the Occupational Therapy Unit , Aaron De Lowe Early Intervention Center, Beit Issie Shapiro
    The article describes a sensory group that was held for toddlers from Aaron De Lowe Early Intervention Center the in the White Snoezelen room at the Beit Issie Shapiro. The group was led by an occupational therapist and a speech therapist, as well as three other members of the kindergarten staff.
    The group of toddlers got to know their bodies through different experiences, including touch, feeling, movement, and making sounds, and learned to develop responses appropriate to different sensory and movement stimuli

  • Lili Levinton – Deputy Director of Professional Services, Beit Issie Shapiro
    Family-centered service is a model that recognizes the connection between the well-being of the family and the well-being of the child, and the considerable knowledge that parents have about their child’s capabilities, difficulties, and needs. Therefore, it focuses on developing the strengths and abilities of the child and the family as a whole. The article describes the basic assumptions and central principles of the model.

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